Category Archives: Newsletter

Minutes of 2024 AGM

Minutes of 2024 Annual General Meeting  
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the North Devon Spurs Supporters Club was held at the Fox, Fremington, Nr Barnstaple EX31 2NT on Thursday 13 June at 8 pm. 

Around 14 members were in attendance.
Nick Beaumont, Rob Doidge, Will Letherby and Richard Maynard

Review of the 2023/24 season (inc charity events)

Giles reported a successful year with club members attending practically every game – both home and away. THe 2 charity events with Steve Perryman (and Ossie Ardiles in Barnstaple) were very successful in that over £6000 was raised across the two events, with donations made to Devon Air Ambulance and Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust. There was comment from the floor regarding an element of disappointment of lack of support for these events from club members though. 

Rob Field expressed on behalf of everyone thanks to the drivers throughout the season.

Financial Report 

The club started the year with £2336.10 in the bank and ended with £3226.10, so a surplus of £890 arose. This was due in the main to the members subscriptions, with travel pretty well self funding – losses on some matches and profits on others. This gave rise to much discussion regarding the prices for 2024/25.
It was decided to reduce membership fees from £15 (which it has been for some time) to just £10, this being the price for an individual or a family membership covering an adult and all childrten under 16 as at 1 August 2024.
Match travel was also reduced from £40 to £35, with drivers continuing to pay £20. Juniors (under 16) will travel free. Non-members will continue to pay £50 – (however it is cheaper for them to join up for £10 and pay £35 for travel!!)
This will be reviewed mid season. In some instances club funds are likely to be used to subsidise travel.

This example below was not shown at the agm but is inserted here for awareness. You can do your own maths with differing numbers – and buses are not always full!

It is hoped that there will be sufficient numbers for some games to investigate coaches, which will give the usual drivers a break. These would likely need to be heavily subsidised to keep costs down. 

Consideration of Charity donations 2024

In 2023, various donations were made to local sports clubs etc. However, it was decided that the funds would be retained for the benefit of club members. However, one donation was agreed – £100 to Penhaligon’s Friends, a Charity that supports bereaved families. 

Planning for the 2024/25 season – Europe beckons!
As last year, tickets will be issued for blocks of matches – and you can pick and choose which games you would like to attend. All emails should be sent to [email protected].

Election of officers and committee members

Giles, Kevin and Gary were re-elected to their positions and Paul King and Guy Cable remain as additional committee members. 

Any other business

VERY IMPORTANT – when paying funds to the club direct – be it for match transport, membership etc. be aware that the HSBC account is about to be closed down.  Please remove it from your list of payees on your internet banking. 

Payments should be made to Virgin Bank Account – North Devon Spurs Supporters Club – sort code 82-12-08  account number 20153788.

You can also make payment by card using this link

Or by using this QR code.  (Note card payments will be sent to a different NDSSC bank account)

When making payment please ensure you enter BOTH your name and what you are paying for e.g., subscription, which match transport etc.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 28 June 2023 at The Fox, Fremington 

There was a good attendance for the AGM with around 20 people attending and a few new members as well – welcome to all. 

Apologies were received from Nick Beaumont (too far to travel from Cyprus) and Liam Bunning. 

New members – please complete a membership form at

Existing members – we are not asking for a detailed form to be completed again this year – however please complete the form available here even if you have paid your membership already. Please also complete if you do NOT wish to renew for this coming season.

The NDS membership remains at £15 for the season but is also reduced to £15 for a family membership – one adult and any number of children under the age of 16 as at 1 August 2023.

Review of the last season
Tickets were booked for every home game except the Boxing Day fixture – and many members also attended numerous away games. 

The season started with £892.50 in the bank, and ended with £2316.10. The supporters club is a non-profit organisation. Whilst some reserves are necessary to fund upfront payments for coaches, buses etc. there is a surplus and £800 was agreed to be allocated to charities/sports clubs etc. The committee invite nominations for potential beneficiaries – some names were suggested at the meeting. However, there is a form here to put forward your nominations.
Please do so by 31 July. The committee will then meet and allocate the funds – with the intention of completing this process by 31 August. 

Gazza Paine and Guy Cable remain as committee members and Kevin Salter continues as club secretary. Paul King was also voted onto the committee.

Giles explained that he had thought about stepping down as chairman due to pressures etc last year but thanked everyone for their assistance and support – and, thankfully, he continues in office.

Transport and ticket booking
Members were reminded of the 2 week rule for backing out of transport arrangements etc. and therefore still having to pay! There were instances last season where this rule was enforced. Thanks to all for their support of this rule. 
The one central system for booking tickets and transport via the email address below worked well with just a couple of exceptions of members simply replying to the emails despite clear requests in the body not to do so. The main “culprits” are now aware and we look forward to a 100% success rate this season.
[email protected]

When using this email ensure you record your name, and the match/transport you are booking for. 

Thanks to all those drivers that stepped up over the last season. Just one observation was made that drivers on buses should not “swap” to other minibuses for any part of the trip. There was one issue beyond anyone’s control last season where this did cause some issues. 

It was agreed that all travelling pay £40 each for the transport (apart from the drivers) as last year. Whilst fuel prices have been dropping the minibus hire has increased. 

As last year, if non NDSSC members want to travel on the transport provided they have to pay an extra £10.

Fantasy Football
Guy intends to set up the Fantasy Football again, and hopefully not from his hospital bed this year! 
Kevin Rowe was the winner in 2023. Butch Cole won in 2022 but had not been awarded his prize. Therefore, there are two prizes to be issued – a choice of a free club membership or £20 club shop voucher. Guy will liaise with the two aforementioned to sort. 

A separate email has been sent inviting ticket applications from non season ticket holders for any of the first three games of the season – Manchester United, Sheffield United and Liverpool.

Charity event – an evening with Steve Perryman – 14 October 2023
Put the date in your diaries – a further email with a booking form and full details will be issued in the near future. Watch out for it in your inbox.

Social Event
Another diary date – 16 December has been earmarked as a NDSSC social event. (Barbecue?? – perhaps not!). Again further details will be made available nearer the time. 


Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 14 July 2022 at The Fox, Fremington

There was a good attendance for the AGM with around 20 people attending and a
few new members as well – welcome to all.

New members – please complete a membership form at

Existing members – we are not asking for a detailed form to be completed again
this year – however please complete the short form available here
even if you have paid your membership already.

The NDS membership remains at £15 for the season or £20 for a family
membership – one adult and any number of children under the age of 16 as at 1
August 2022.

Review of the last couple of seasons – £1009 in the bank…

Gazza Paine and Guy Cable remain as committee members and Kevin Salter
continues as club secretary.

Giles explained that he had thought about stepping down due to pressures etc – so
some things need to change this season or else!!

A big issue was people booking tickets and not paying for them and not saying
anything until they were told the pickup times, which impinges on club funds to the
detriment of all!

Another issue is the booking of tickets and transport and trying to collate
information from a myriad of sources – Facebook, emails, telephone calls etc.
Therefore one central system should be used going forward so that there is one
central point. This is to be done via email and the email address to be used is
[email protected].
When using this email ensure you record your name, and the match/transport you
are booking for.

A few attendees said they were willing to help with the driving! Thanks to all those
regular drivers over the last season and hopefully they will be able to enjoy the pre
match drinks on several occasions in the coming season!

It was agreed that all travelling pay £40 each for the transport (apart from the
drivers) – this will be kept under review to see how it works out for the first few

Also agreed that if non-members want travel only they have to pay an extra £10.

Guy has set up the Fantasy Football again from his hospital bed!! We wish him a
speedy recovery!!

It was not possible to implement the bookings email address before, so the first
three games have been dealt with in the “old way” via Facebook etc.

Tickets for
Southampton will be on the membership accounts by Fri 22nd July have to be paid
by 5pm Fri 29th July
Wolves Fri 29th July Payment by 5pm Fri 5th Aug
Fulham Fri 5th Aug payment by 5pm Fri 12th Aug

Next 3 Games are
Leicester 17th Sept
Everton 15th Oct
Newcastle 22nd Oct

Need names by Sunday 7th Aug. when booking tickets would also like to know if
travel is required. If you drop out and the seat cannot be filled, it will still be
necessary to pay! Please use the bookings email address!!

Minutes of AGM held July 5 2019

North Devon Spurs Supporters Club

Minutes of the 2019 AGM

The AGM of the Supporters Club was held on Thursday 5 July 2019 at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple – at 8pm.Some 15 or so members attended including a few new ones. Apologies were received from 9 members.

2018/19 review – there was probably at least one North Devon Spurs Member at every home game and also at many away games (and abroad). As far as we are aware, season ticket holders have all renewed for 2019/20.

Finance – the finances were much improved compared to 2017/18 – with a surplus being generated on games of £116.84 (compared to a significant deficit in the prior year) and membership income of £870 (£670 in the prior year – the subscription rate was increased for 2018/19). The branch fee of £50 was paid and £170.40 was paid out for pin badges (and funds will gradually come back in from sales of these). At the start of the year ther was just £207.72 available but the balance was £974.16 at the end of the 2018/19 season.


North Devon Spurs Membership fees are held at: – Adult Membership £15 – Family Membership is for any number of children with a Junior Spurs membership for the new season and 1 adult – £20. A suggestion was made to have another tier of membership for senior citizens/junior members but this was thought to just complicate matters for the sake of a few pounds only – and did not proceed to a vote.

Other changes

Ticket arrangements 
Members will have recevied an email regarding the new ticket booking arrangements that apply to non-season ticket holders. There are 7 “windows” during the season in which a number of games can be applied for – so for instance the first booking window is now open and tickets for any (or all) of the first three home games can be applied for. More details on this first window later.

Club Officers 2019/20
There were no changes

  • Chairman   – Giles Stacey
  • Club Secretary – Kevin Salter
  • Membership Secretary/Treasurer – Gary Paine
  • Other committee members – Jamie Ford, Lisa Ford, Guy Cable

Matches – the first three home games are Aston Villa on 10 August, Newcastle on 25 August (now Sunday to be shown on Sky- this was only announced after the AGM had taken place), and Crystal Palace on 14 September. The booking window is now open as mentioned above – anyone requiring tickets needs to notify Giles by 8 July latest for either or all of these matches. Similarly if you require transport, please let him know asap.

Transport-. The use of one driver each way in minibuses seemed to be preferable. However, the transport arrangements were discussed, and the consensus of those present was that they would be prepared to pay slightly more and travel by coach rather than minibus. A straw poll indicated that £40 for travel would be acceptable – and on the basis of £900 for coach hire, just 23 people would be needed to cover this at £40 – any more and the price per head would reduce. It may be possible to link up with Somerset Spurs too. Giles will investigate.

Fantasy Football – Andrew Bawden won for the 3rd year running. Guy Cable will announce details of this year’s competition when it is available.

Any other business

Gary asked that ALL members complete new membership forms again this year. There are new membership forms which you can download from the website in PDF format.

Website link

Please complete them clearly – please PRINT email addresses.

Facebook– this was used extensively for organisation in 2018/19, and will continue to be used in 2019/20. A new Facebook page has been created and this will be open to paid-up members of North Devon Spurs only – in due course all organisation of matches/tickets etc wil go through this page only and NOT the generic public facebook page.

Charity Football Match
It is hoped that a charity football match can be arranged for the end of the 2019/20 season. Gary Paine will speak to contacts at Torrington Football Club and see what can be arranged.

Stadium Tour
A stadium tour has been arranged by Guy Cable – 26 people have booked for a tour on Sunday 17 November – (split into two groups – 1 at 1.00 pm and 1 at 1:30 pm. A 29 seater coach has been booked so there are still some spaces available on the bus if anyone is interested. Tour price – £27 members and £30 non-members (plus coach fare). The supporters club has already paid over the money, so if you have not paid, please pay asap!

Note the club bank account is sort code 40-44-23  account number 01387383).

Meeting closed at 9 p.m.

Minutes of AGM held 7 June 2018 at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple

Some 20 or so members attended. Apologies were received from 4 members.

2017/18 – there was probably at least one North Devon Spurs Member at every home game and
also at many away games (and abroad). We saw some great games at Wembley (and a few not so
good) but we now look forward to returning to “The Lane”. Numbers are not known, but we think
most season ticket holders renewed for 2018/19.
Finance – the finances are very depleted – membership brought in £670 to add to the opening
balance of £1142. Only a couple of expenses were incurred not related to matches – a branch fee of
£50 and a parking ticket of £25 (for taking up two spaces in Bridgwater and paying for one).
However, the biggest expense was the subsidy of games – so £1679.26 came out of club funds,
leaving just £207.72 available. There were many reasons why this arose.
Discussion ensued, and it was made patently clear that this level of subsidy cannot continue.
Therefore, changes going forward for 2018/19 were proposed and accepted.
North Devon Spurs Membership fees were increased to: Adult Membership £15 – Family
Membership is for any number of children with a Junior Spurs membership for the new season and 1
adult – £20. If you have paid the same amount as last year, please send the balance to Gary.
Other changes
Tickets – in the past the club set a fixed price for both the ticket and travel, the price depending on
the Category level of the game. (Sometimes, people had tickets that actually cost more than the
fixed price). Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to do this. Therefore, if you order a ticket that
Giles has to obtain, you will have to pay the face value of that ticket.
If you book to travel on the bus, you will have to pay whether you actually travel or back out nearer
the time. Bus fares also need to be paid in advance direct to the club bank account at least two
weeks before match day (or sent by post to the Treasurer). There is no longer an option to pay “on
the day”. You will be advised of the cost via Facebook/email (see below).
(Note the club bank account is sort code 40-44-23 account number 01387383).
Junior members (those with a Junior Spurs membership) pay a £10 contribution to transport (was
previously free).
Away games – unless specifically organised, those members that make their own arrangements to
hire a bus, obtain tickets etc do so off of their own back, and should be financed by themselves.
None of the financial aspects should pass through the North Devon Spurs account.
We hope these moves put and keep the club finances on an even keel going forward.
As last time, if a member sells their ticket to someone else, and the purchaser wants to travel with
the North Devon Spurs, they must join up and pay the appropriate membership fee.
Club Officers 2018/19

There were no changes
• Chairman – Giles Stacey
• Club Secretary – Kevin Salter
• Membership Secretary/Treasurer – Gary Paine
• Other committee members – Jamie Ford, Lisa Ford, Guy Cable
As excitement builds with the new stadium looking more and more impressive each day, we
await the release of the fixture list. The first home game may still be delayed from the official
fixtures list ….we just have to wait and see.
It is hoped that the club will do a similar Champions League “package” to that in 2017/18.
Lots of comments were made about travel with Somerset Spurs, and the consensus was to try
and attend as many matches (Champions League and Premier League) via our own methods
rather than jump on at Bridgwater.
A letter had been received from Brad Cars in Bradworthy, with prices for 8 /16 seater
transport – this would be considered.
Fantasy Football – Andrew Bawden won for the 2nd year running, and his prize this year is
free North Devon Spurs club membership for 2018/19.
Any other business
Gary asked that ALL members complete new membership forms again this year. There are
new membership forms which you can download them from the links below.
PDF Version
Word Version
Please complete them clearly – please PRINT email addresses (IF you download the Word version
you can complete them in Word.
Facebook- whilst used extensively for organisation in 2017/18, email would also be used again in
2018/19 to also help keep members informed. Sorry-it will not be possible to post regular items to
the very few members for whom we do not have an email address.
Charity football match – a very good and enjoyable event. It is hoped to arrange matches against
other local supporters clubs (perhaps of other league teams e.g. Plymouth Argyle) in the future.
Drivers – offers to drive the minibus to games would be appreciated. This could be a shared drive –
e.g. one person drives up, another drives back – or a 50:50 up and back share.
Facebook – the supporters club does advise to take care when posting anything into the public

A request was made to please ensure you take all rubbish with you when leaving the transport. The
drivers are there to drive it, not act as unpaid cleaners before returning the minibus to the depot.

Annual General Meeting 2017

The AGM of the Supporters Club was held on Thursday 6 July 2017 at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple – at 8pm.

Giles presented a review of the 2016/17 season and a summary of the financial follows:-

Opening funds 1381.08 Branch fee 50.00
Memberships 520.00 Speeding fine 85.00
Web site 19.18
Fantasy football trophy 10.00
Deficit on travel to games 594.90
Closing funds 1142.00
1901.08 1901.08

It was recommended that no charity donations be made this year.

Election of Club Officers for the 2017/18 season – all officers contnue in their post, there being no other nominations

  • Chairman – Giles Stacey
  • Club Secretary – Kevin Salter
  • Membership Secretary – Gary Paine
  • Treasurer – Gary Paine
  • Other committee members – Guy Cable, Lisa Ford,  Jamie Ford

A discussion ensued regarding 2017/18 tickeitng and pricing. In the past it was necessary to book through the club a minimum of 4 tickets. However, just one ticket can be booked this coming season. Category A games may result in a ballot for tickets though.

Around 20 members have obtained season tickets for 2017/18 so many will pay on a “transport only” basis this season. This has been £25 from North Devon, £20 from Tiverton. It is therefore possible that many more members will be looking to attend matches this year so two minibuses per match may be required. A 29 seater coach is another possibility which would cost around £700.

Ticket prices for ad hoc matches have not been announced by the club yet so it is not possible to decide on pricing at this stage.

Bearing in mind the deficit in 2016/17, pricing needs to be carefully considered in 2017/18. However, the club decided to continue with the policy that under 16s (as a 1/8/2017) travel free for the 2017/18 season.

A speeding fine was incurred towards the end of the season by a driver. A discussion ensued with varied opinions at both ends of the spectrum as to whether the club should meet any future such fines. It was agreed that the driver involved be reimbursed this time, but the general consensus was that the club would be unlikely to meet any such liabilities in the future.

Guy Cable ([email protected]) notes that club t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts etc can be obtained at very reasonable prices. Any requests direct to Guy please.

Membership of the club – there were often disappointed members last year who wanted to go to matches but were unable to obtain tickets, and there were instances where members had tickets that were passed on to friends and acquaintances. Whilst tickets should not be such an issue this coming season, club members are requested to offer thier unused tickets to other club members first before passing on to others or selling seaon tickets back to Spurs. This can be done by letting Gile know of availability or posting in the Facebook group.

Where non-members do obtain tickets and want to travel up with the club, they will be required to pay a one off £10 joining fee to be a North Devon Spurs member.

There were isolated instances of funds not being paid on the day for travel/tickets and indeed there is still £10 outstanding from last year from one member. All funds due for a match should either be paid in advance direct to the club bank account or paid on the upward leg of the travel so that everything is paid before arriving at the ground.

Last year there was a Champions League ticket package – three group matches at a discounted price – and many expressed an interest in purchasing such a package again if offered this season. No further details are available at this time.

Fantasy Football – 2016/17 winner was Andrew Bawden. Guy Cable will orgainse this again for 2017/18. Further details will appear in the Facebook Group. No entry fee….no Arsenal players allowed at any time in the team….all teams to be publicly available for viewing.

Any Other Business – nothing arose under this item.


Not part of the agm -there is talk of a Spurs legends evening – possibly in Ilfracombe – with Graham Roberts and Micky Hazard – if anyone is possibly interested please email Guy (details above). There is no commitment at this stage.

Forthcoming Club Meeting – 2 February 2017

Sorry about the extremely short notice !! We will try to give more notice in future.

However the chairman feels we ought to have a meeting……

So for those able to attend, there will be a Club Meeting tomorrow night – Thursday 2nd February – at the usual location – The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple – at 8 pm.

Minutes will be circulated after the meeting.

Hope to see at least a few of you there!!!

Who knows…..attendance may help you be on the short list for any tickets available towards the end of the season – (wishful thinking on my part!!!)

Club Meeting – 4 August 2016

The meeting was held on 4 August at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple.

10 members attended.

2016/17 Season

It will be difficult to obtain tickets for matches this season – so expect to be disappointed and do not expect to get the tickets! The club can only apply for 10 tickets for each home game – and there is no guarantee that 10 will be allocated. It may therefore be necessary to try to apply for tickets when they go on sale.

3 members are going to the first game of the season – away to Everton
Application for 10 for the Crystal Palace game resulted in just 4 being allocated.
Liverpool game – 9 were allocated, but only 5 were required in the end so 4 were returned to the club!

Giles will apply for 10 tickets for games – please indicate to Giles if you would like to be considered for any allocated. You may be put into the N Devon Spurs “internal ballot” for tickets should numbers required exceed those allocated to the club.

Champions League

Thanks to Giles for spending 6 hours on the computer obtaining 3 match packages for the Champions League at Wembley. As he could only apply for 10 at a time, he had to complete a purchase and log in again to join the queue. (Tip – log in on two (or three different web browsers at the same time next time!!!)

The cost is £83 and Giles would appreciate the funds as soon as possible – preferably payable direct to him rather than the club – as he paid this on his own credit card.

Exact dates of matches are not yet known but you can see the weeks in which they will be played here: –

Transport will be sorted nearer the time.

There was some interest in possibly attending an away match in the Champions League – this will be considered when the other teams are known.

Fantasy Football

Fantasy Football – get your teams in for the N Devon Spurs League via the Daily Telegraph –

PIN 8044505 PASSCODE 1889

Next meeting – date to be advised  at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held on Thursday 9 June 2016 at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple.

13 members attended, with one apology received from Paul Fleming.


Whilst there was still money being accounted for on the night that related to the year just ended, Giles reported funds in the bank and cash held of £1432.08. Whilst donations of £131 had been given to local sports clubs during the year, it was pretty much a breakeven over the period. THe use of email to distribute newsletters (combined with making them available on the website and link via Facebook) has reduced the postage costs significantly. Only a handful are posted out now.

No further donations were agreed to be made at the meeting. The club has to have reserves to meet the upfront cost of tickets for games, and no one should have to resort to paying from own funds, even if only a temporary measure.

Review 2015/16

As a club, 17 games had been attended – however, several had made other arrangements to go to many of the other games during the season.

Thanks were recorded to all those minibus drivers over the season.


The chairman (Giles), treasurer/membership secretary (Gary) and club secretary (Kevin), all agreed to carry on in those positions. The other committee members were also re-elected -Andrew Wooff, Lisa Smale and Guy Cable.

2016/17 Season

A look forward to the coming season indicated that getting tickets is likely to be difficult. Some 4,000 seats have been removed already for the development so there is a reduced capacity. The club will have to go into a ballot along with other supporters clubs for tickets, and even then there is no guarantee that all tickets applied for will be allocated. Tickets could also possibly be anywhere in the ground. Members may therefore have to resort to applying online as soon as tickets go on sale.

Prices for matches will remain the same (but the club reserve the right to review this during the season). The price has been generally fixed based on the “normal” seating area of South Stand Lower, however, ticket prices can be more expensive elsewhere and this may eat into club funds.

Category A – £70, Category B – £65, Category C – £60.

The club policy of free transport for under 16’s is to continue for 2016/17.

Champions League matches will be on a Tuesday or Wednesday at Wembley – it is hoped that tickets will be more readily available for these matches.

Any Other Business

Membership – For the coming season, any member travelling to matches with the club HAS to be a member of North Devon Spurs – even if this means they “join up” on the day and pay their £10 membership fee! (So those going to a Category A game pay £80). (This is in line with the policy in place in other supporters clubs).

Minibus – A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of the club purchasing its own mini-bus. This would make it more flexible as regards timings – not having to return it late at night (often out of the way for some drivers), and could ultimately be cheaper in the longer term. It currently costs £80-£90 each time. This will be kept under review and Jamie is keeping his eye open for a suitable opportunity. Insurance would need investigating before any decision is made however.

Fantasy Football – Guy will once again arrange the Fantasy Football-keep an eye on Facebook for more details (and the rules for 2016/17). A £25 shop voucher will be purchased for last year’s winner.

Golf – if anyone is interested in a golf match v Somerset Spurs, please email in and your details will be passed on. Date yet to be confirmed.

Fixtures – there appears to be a “leaked” fixture list going around- we are not sure if this is accurate or not- the official list comes out in the next few days. Once again watch the Facebook group for details or email Giles directly to be kept up to date with planned matches.

You can download your membership forms here. Remember we need new ones completed for the 2016/17 season.

Next meeting 4 August at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple