Author Archives: kevin

Minutes of 2024 AGM

Minutes of 2024 Annual General Meeting  
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the North Devon Spurs Supporters Club was held at the Fox, Fremington, Nr Barnstaple EX31 2NT on Thursday 13 June at 8 pm. 

Around 14 members were in attendance.
Nick Beaumont, Rob Doidge, Will Letherby and Richard Maynard

Review of the 2023/24 season (inc charity events)

Giles reported a successful year with club members attending practically every game – both home and away. THe 2 charity events with Steve Perryman (and Ossie Ardiles in Barnstaple) were very successful in that over £6000 was raised across the two events, with donations made to Devon Air Ambulance and Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust. There was comment from the floor regarding an element of disappointment of lack of support for these events from club members though. 

Rob Field expressed on behalf of everyone thanks to the drivers throughout the season.

Financial Report 

The club started the year with £2336.10 in the bank and ended with £3226.10, so a surplus of £890 arose. This was due in the main to the members subscriptions, with travel pretty well self funding – losses on some matches and profits on others. This gave rise to much discussion regarding the prices for 2024/25.
It was decided to reduce membership fees from £15 (which it has been for some time) to just £10, this being the price for an individual or a family membership covering an adult and all childrten under 16 as at 1 August 2024.
Match travel was also reduced from £40 to £35, with drivers continuing to pay £20. Juniors (under 16) will travel free. Non-members will continue to pay £50 – (however it is cheaper for them to join up for £10 and pay £35 for travel!!)
This will be reviewed mid season. In some instances club funds are likely to be used to subsidise travel.

This example below was not shown at the agm but is inserted here for awareness. You can do your own maths with differing numbers – and buses are not always full!

It is hoped that there will be sufficient numbers for some games to investigate coaches, which will give the usual drivers a break. These would likely need to be heavily subsidised to keep costs down. 

Consideration of Charity donations 2024

In 2023, various donations were made to local sports clubs etc. However, it was decided that the funds would be retained for the benefit of club members. However, one donation was agreed – £100 to Penhaligon’s Friends, a Charity that supports bereaved families. 

Planning for the 2024/25 season – Europe beckons!
As last year, tickets will be issued for blocks of matches – and you can pick and choose which games you would like to attend. All emails should be sent to [email protected].

Election of officers and committee members

Giles, Kevin and Gary were re-elected to their positions and Paul King and Guy Cable remain as additional committee members. 

Any other business

VERY IMPORTANT – when paying funds to the club direct – be it for match transport, membership etc. be aware that the HSBC account is about to be closed down.  Please remove it from your list of payees on your internet banking. 

Payments should be made to Virgin Bank Account – North Devon Spurs Supporters Club – sort code 82-12-08  account number 20153788.

You can also make payment by card using this link

Or by using this QR code.  (Note card payments will be sent to a different NDSSC bank account)

When making payment please ensure you enter BOTH your name and what you are paying for e.g., subscription, which match transport etc.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 28 June 2023 at The Fox, Fremington 

There was a good attendance for the AGM with around 20 people attending and a few new members as well – welcome to all. 

Apologies were received from Nick Beaumont (too far to travel from Cyprus) and Liam Bunning. 

New members – please complete a membership form at

Existing members – we are not asking for a detailed form to be completed again this year – however please complete the form available here even if you have paid your membership already. Please also complete if you do NOT wish to renew for this coming season.

The NDS membership remains at £15 for the season but is also reduced to £15 for a family membership – one adult and any number of children under the age of 16 as at 1 August 2023.

Review of the last season
Tickets were booked for every home game except the Boxing Day fixture – and many members also attended numerous away games. 

The season started with £892.50 in the bank, and ended with £2316.10. The supporters club is a non-profit organisation. Whilst some reserves are necessary to fund upfront payments for coaches, buses etc. there is a surplus and £800 was agreed to be allocated to charities/sports clubs etc. The committee invite nominations for potential beneficiaries – some names were suggested at the meeting. However, there is a form here to put forward your nominations.
Please do so by 31 July. The committee will then meet and allocate the funds – with the intention of completing this process by 31 August. 

Gazza Paine and Guy Cable remain as committee members and Kevin Salter continues as club secretary. Paul King was also voted onto the committee.

Giles explained that he had thought about stepping down as chairman due to pressures etc last year but thanked everyone for their assistance and support – and, thankfully, he continues in office.

Transport and ticket booking
Members were reminded of the 2 week rule for backing out of transport arrangements etc. and therefore still having to pay! There were instances last season where this rule was enforced. Thanks to all for their support of this rule. 
The one central system for booking tickets and transport via the email address below worked well with just a couple of exceptions of members simply replying to the emails despite clear requests in the body not to do so. The main “culprits” are now aware and we look forward to a 100% success rate this season.
[email protected]

When using this email ensure you record your name, and the match/transport you are booking for. 

Thanks to all those drivers that stepped up over the last season. Just one observation was made that drivers on buses should not “swap” to other minibuses for any part of the trip. There was one issue beyond anyone’s control last season where this did cause some issues. 

It was agreed that all travelling pay £40 each for the transport (apart from the drivers) as last year. Whilst fuel prices have been dropping the minibus hire has increased. 

As last year, if non NDSSC members want to travel on the transport provided they have to pay an extra £10.

Fantasy Football
Guy intends to set up the Fantasy Football again, and hopefully not from his hospital bed this year! 
Kevin Rowe was the winner in 2023. Butch Cole won in 2022 but had not been awarded his prize. Therefore, there are two prizes to be issued – a choice of a free club membership or £20 club shop voucher. Guy will liaise with the two aforementioned to sort. 

A separate email has been sent inviting ticket applications from non season ticket holders for any of the first three games of the season – Manchester United, Sheffield United and Liverpool.

Charity event – an evening with Steve Perryman – 14 October 2023
Put the date in your diaries – a further email with a booking form and full details will be issued in the near future. Watch out for it in your inbox.

Social Event
Another diary date – 16 December has been earmarked as a NDSSC social event. (Barbecue?? – perhaps not!). Again further details will be made available nearer the time. 


Minutes of AGM held July 5 2019

North Devon Spurs Supporters Club

Minutes of the 2019 AGM

The AGM of the Supporters Club was held on Thursday 5 July 2019 at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple – at 8pm.Some 15 or so members attended including a few new ones. Apologies were received from 9 members.

2018/19 review – there was probably at least one North Devon Spurs Member at every home game and also at many away games (and abroad). As far as we are aware, season ticket holders have all renewed for 2019/20.

Finance – the finances were much improved compared to 2017/18 – with a surplus being generated on games of £116.84 (compared to a significant deficit in the prior year) and membership income of £870 (£670 in the prior year – the subscription rate was increased for 2018/19). The branch fee of £50 was paid and £170.40 was paid out for pin badges (and funds will gradually come back in from sales of these). At the start of the year ther was just £207.72 available but the balance was £974.16 at the end of the 2018/19 season.


North Devon Spurs Membership fees are held at: – Adult Membership £15 – Family Membership is for any number of children with a Junior Spurs membership for the new season and 1 adult – £20. A suggestion was made to have another tier of membership for senior citizens/junior members but this was thought to just complicate matters for the sake of a few pounds only – and did not proceed to a vote.

Other changes

Ticket arrangements 
Members will have recevied an email regarding the new ticket booking arrangements that apply to non-season ticket holders. There are 7 “windows” during the season in which a number of games can be applied for – so for instance the first booking window is now open and tickets for any (or all) of the first three home games can be applied for. More details on this first window later.

Club Officers 2019/20
There were no changes

  • Chairman   – Giles Stacey
  • Club Secretary – Kevin Salter
  • Membership Secretary/Treasurer – Gary Paine
  • Other committee members – Jamie Ford, Lisa Ford, Guy Cable

Matches – the first three home games are Aston Villa on 10 August, Newcastle on 25 August (now Sunday to be shown on Sky- this was only announced after the AGM had taken place), and Crystal Palace on 14 September. The booking window is now open as mentioned above – anyone requiring tickets needs to notify Giles by 8 July latest for either or all of these matches. Similarly if you require transport, please let him know asap.

Transport-. The use of one driver each way in minibuses seemed to be preferable. However, the transport arrangements were discussed, and the consensus of those present was that they would be prepared to pay slightly more and travel by coach rather than minibus. A straw poll indicated that £40 for travel would be acceptable – and on the basis of £900 for coach hire, just 23 people would be needed to cover this at £40 – any more and the price per head would reduce. It may be possible to link up with Somerset Spurs too. Giles will investigate.

Fantasy Football – Andrew Bawden won for the 3rd year running. Guy Cable will announce details of this year’s competition when it is available.

Any other business

Gary asked that ALL members complete new membership forms again this year. There are new membership forms which you can download from the website in PDF format.

Website link

Please complete them clearly – please PRINT email addresses.

Facebook– this was used extensively for organisation in 2018/19, and will continue to be used in 2019/20. A new Facebook page has been created and this will be open to paid-up members of North Devon Spurs only – in due course all organisation of matches/tickets etc wil go through this page only and NOT the generic public facebook page.

Charity Football Match
It is hoped that a charity football match can be arranged for the end of the 2019/20 season. Gary Paine will speak to contacts at Torrington Football Club and see what can be arranged.

Stadium Tour
A stadium tour has been arranged by Guy Cable – 26 people have booked for a tour on Sunday 17 November – (split into two groups – 1 at 1.00 pm and 1 at 1:30 pm. A 29 seater coach has been booked so there are still some spaces available on the bus if anyone is interested. Tour price – £27 members and £30 non-members (plus coach fare). The supporters club has already paid over the money, so if you have not paid, please pay asap!

Note the club bank account is sort code 40-44-23  account number 01387383).

Meeting closed at 9 p.m.

January 2016 Meeting Minutes

12 members were in attendance.

Forthcoming matches

Note – all dates below are provisional and all are subject to change due to possible cup commitments.

There was no great rush (unlike last season) to attend the Fiorentina away match, having been treated like animals, missing the last train home due to being held in the stadium etc!

Watford – 6/2/16 – Leaves Barnstaple Square 7:30, South Molton 7.45 (ish) and Junction 27 (8:15 (ish).

There are still some that are due to pay – Giles would appreciate the funds asap as he needs to buy other tickets as the matches come thick and fast.

Arsenal – 5/3/2016 At present 20 tickets have been allocated by Spurs, out of the 25 requested. Giles will try to get some more when they go on sale to members shortly.

Some have expressed an interest in possibly going to Aston Villa (away)-12/03/2016 but this is one that will almost certainly be moved if there is still some cup interest.

Anyone wanting to go to the game v Bournemouth – 19/3/2016 – Giles needs to know by 27 January.

One or two have also intimated they may like to go to Liverpool (away) – 02/04/2016.

For those wishing to go to Manchester United (home) – 09/04/2016 – the latest date for booking via the club is 10 February.

If anyone is interested in Stoke (away) 16/04/2016 – let Giles know asap!

The latest date for booking for West Brom (home) – 23/04/2016 is 24 February

The last home game is against Southampton – 07/05/2016 and the latest booking date is 01/03/2016

Last match of the season

9 have booked flights to Newcastle (departing Bristol Saturday 14th May and returning Monday 16th May for the match on Sunday 15 May. Hotel accommodation has also been booked – it may be possible to still book for both should anyone else wish to make the trip – Giles has full details.

Next Meeting 03/03/2016 This avoids any potential clash with a Europa Game(!)

Meeting minutes 8 October 2015

Minutes of club meeting 8 October 2015

Attendance was in double figures (11) for the meeting.

Forthcoming matches

Liverpool (Saturday 17/10/15 ko 12:45 p.m.) Clive is driving. Pick up Barnstaple Square 6 a.m. South Molton 6:15 a.m. and Junction 27 around 6:45 a.m. £70 or £22 if you obtained your own ticket and are paying for petrol only.

West Ham – (Sunday 22/11/15 ko 4 p.m.) Depart 8 a.m. from Barnstaple Square 8.15 a.m. South Molton. Prices as above.

Chelsea (Sunday 29/11/15 ko 12.00 p.m.) Again prices as above.

Please pay either direct to the club bank account or on the day.

Anyone wishing the club to try for West Brom away (Saturday 5/12/15), Newcastle home (Sunday 13/12/15) or Southampton away (Saturday 19/12/15) needs to let Giles know asap.

Looking into the new year, Giles needs to apply for tickets for Sunderland (currently Saturday 16/1/16) by 7/11/15 and Watford (currently Saturday 6/2/2016) by 25/11/15, so please let him know before those dates if you wish to go.

Xmas Drinks

Despite long discussion there was no consensus as to day or date for a Christmas meetup.

Last match of the season

Whilst it seems the season has only just started, plans are in hand to go the last match of the season on Sunday 15 May. The intention is to fly up on the Saturday and back on the Monday. Initial search indicated return flights via Easyjet from Bristol would be in the region of £53 total if booked now. There is however no guarantee of match tickets but Giles will see what he can do in due course! If you want to go contact Giles asap.

North Devon Spurs clothing

Guy will shortly be ordering further supplies of North Devon Spurs polo shirts/hoodies/jumpers. Please email him direct [email protected] to place an order.

Next Meeting Thursday 14 January 2016

Minutes 9/7/15 Meeting

It was pleasing to see a good attendance for the first meeting of the 2015/16 season with 15 turning up including a couple of new members joining up.

Forthcoming Games

The following games have been listed to try to attend. If you wish to go to any of these please contact Giles asap. Note you need to have paid your NDSSC subscription before tickets can be applied for through the club.

Saturday 15/08/2015 Stoke (h) 15.00

Saturday 22/08/15 Leicester (a) 15:00

Sunday 20/09/15 Crystal Palace (h) 13.30

Saturday 03/10/2015 Swansea (a) 15.00 ***

Saturday 17/10/2015 Liverpool (h) 15:00

Saturday 31/10/2015 Aston Villa (h) 15:00

Saturday 21/11/2015 West Ham (h) 15:00

Saturday 12/12/2015 Newcastle (h) 15:00 ***


*** whilst listed with these dates on the fixture list at Spurs website they will be moved to the Sunday because of the Europa league fixtures. Those in October, November and December are also subject to change for TV but these are not known at this time.

Manchester United (a) A few have expressed an interest and will try to go with Somerset Spurs. For those that wish to meet up and watch on TV, it has been suggested that you meet at the Bull and Bear, 128 Boutport Street, Barnstaple.

Finances – At the AGM it was estimated that around £1200-£1400 should be in hand at the end of the season. It was in fact £1562.28. We started the season with £1274.94 so a surplus of £287.34.

A reminder – For the forthcoming season 2015/16, club members under 16 will not be required to contribute towards bus transport i.e. all they need to pay for is the match ticket.

As reported at the AGM Torridgeside Football Club have purchased their promised footballs and a cheque was given to Kevin Payne at the meeting for the other promised donation.

There was discussion regarding the minibus drivers having both their ticket and transport costs funded by the club. The club occasionally runs low on funds where several matches come close together so it was proposed by Butch Cole that the petrol money element is paid by the drivers on match days but then reimbursed to them at the end of the season. This was voted upon and unanimously agreed.

The possibility of “shared” driving was also put forward as an option as it is a “long day” for one driver.

Fantasy Football League– once again Guy Cable will be co-ordinating this. A couple of rules for the forthcoming season – the winner has to be a member of NDSSC and there must be NO Arsenal players selected at any time during the season!!

Any Other Business – Giles (chairman) thanked the club members for their appreciation shown for all the hard work put in last season in providing him with some liquid refreshment in both can and bottle form for his trip to Glastonbury. Thanks to Gary Paine for organising this and he will be collecting contributions towards this on the next few trips!!

Subscriptions – as noted in last newsletter

26 members have so far renewed. Prices are £10 for an adult member and £15 for a family membership – 1 adult and any number of children under 16 (as at 1 June 2015).

To tie in with Tottenham membership, the due date for renewals is set as 1 June.

Payment can be made in a variety of ways.

By cheque – payable to North Devon Spurs Supporters Club. Post to Gary Paine – 2 Hamilton Close, Bideford, EX39 3DS.

By direct transfer to the club bank account – sort code 404423 account number 01387383

Please ensure your name is clearly shown.

New for this year – by direct debit. Many pay the Tottenham membership by direct debit – just set it up and it is done each year, and it is now possible to do this for your NDSSC membership. Simply go to (family member) or (adult member) and enter your bank details. The payment will be taken on 1st of the month and annually thereafter, but you can of course cancel it at any time.

Membership forms – we are not looking for existing members to complete membership application forms this year, but we would ask you to do so if there are any changes to your details e.g. address, telephone, email etc. You can download a form (or direct any prospective new members) to download) from the website

2015/16 Season Costs are: – Category A – £70, Category B – £65, Category C – £60.

Next Meeting – second Thursday in October – October 8th.

Minutes of May 2015 meeting

Just 6 members turned up for the meeting – the usual familiar faces!

The season in review – Giles reported that, whilst the season from a football perspective had seen its highs and lows, the Supporters Club appeared to have had a good year, with members going to many matches, both home and away, as well as a trip to Wembley and international travel to Italy and Wales!

Committee – there had been no nominations for any of the offices in the club. Those present unanimously re-elected Giles Stacey as chairman (who was willing to carry on fortunately!), Kevin Salter as Club Secretary and Gary Paine as Membership Secretary. Other committee members remain as before – Andrew Wooff, Lisa Smale and Guy Cable.

Remaining Matches – there are still matches left where members are attending. Those travelling to the Hull game – the minibus leaves Barnstaple Square at 8 a.m. Cost is £60 for those yet to pay. For those attending Everton away, the price is £65.

Finances – it was not possible to present a detailed financial report as there are still ongoing transactions in respect of the remaining matches. However it was reported that there were not too many games on which a “loss” was made, and even some of the Category A games showed surpluses – probably due to more travelling on the minibuses which covered the costs. It is estimated that around £1200-£1400 should be in hand at the end of the season.

This season has seen quite a few instances of tickets being ordered but then cancelled, sometimes at short notice. This could be by way of illness etc which cannot be foreseen. Members must therefore be fully aware that if they order a ticket, they are responsible for paying for that ticket, whether or not they use it. Fortunately, it has been possible to find takers for these tickets this year. Members should also however be aware that it is not down to the chairman to try to find a buyer for these surplus tickets! The penalty for non-payment is that no more tickets will be ordered!

Application of Funds – A reserve of funds is required as it is sometimes necessary to pay upfront for tickets, buses etc. However, the following was agreed:-

For the forthcoming season 2015/16, club members under 16 will not be required to contribute towards bus transport i.e. all they need to pay for is the match ticket.

Donations of footballs were agreed to both Ilfracombe Youth Football Club and Torridgeside Football Club. This was estimated to be around £50 to each club. They will be asked to purchase the balls and the club will then reimburse them.

It was also decided that for 1 match next season the transport would be provided free for all those travelling. It is not possible at this stage to know when this might be – the fixtures don’t come out until mid-June.

Subscriptions and membership forms– club subscriptions are once again due. These remain the same again – £10 for an adult member and £15 for a family membership – 1 adult and any number of children under 16 (as at 1 June 2015).

To tie in with Tottenham membership, the due date for renewals is set as 1 June.

Payment can be made in a variety of ways.

By cheque – payable to North Devon Spurs Supporters Club. Post to Gary Paine – 2 Hamilton Close, Bideford, EX39 3DS.

By direct transfer to the club bank account – sort code 404423 account number 01387383

Please ensure your name is clearly shown.

New for this year – by direct debit. Many pay the Tottenham membership by direct debit – just set it up and it is done each year, and it is now possible to do this for your NDSSC membership. Simply go to (family member) or (adult member) and enter your bank details. The payment will be taken on 1st of the month and annually thereafter, but you can of course cancel it at any time.

Member forms – we are not looking for existing members to complete membership application forms this year, but we would ask you to do so if there are any changes to your details e.g. address, telephone, email etc. You can download a form (or direct any prospective new members) to download) from the website

2015/16 Season Unless Tottenham increase match day prices, it is the intention that the costs for a trip remain the same as this year i.e. Category A – £70, Category B – £65, Category C – £60.

Next Meeting – this will be the first opportunity to sort out games for the new season so please try to come along. The meeting is the second Thursday in July – July 9th – (and not July 2nd as was announced at the meeting).


Minutes of Meeting – February 2015

Just 8 members braved the cold to attend the meeting.

The next game is Arsenal – an early start – pick up at 6 am in Bideford and 6:15ish in Barnstaple.

Italy trip – there are 6 members making the trip to Italy at the end of the month. An early flight from Gatwick makes it far more sensible to stay overnight prior to flying out. The Holiday Inn at Gatwick has since been booked. At the start of the season there were club funds earmarked for a European away tie and it was agreed that the club would fund this overnight accommodation/parking using part of these funds, all those going having already met the cost of flights/hotel/tickets etc.

West Ham game 22/2/2015 – 5 members have booked to go, travelling up with Somerset Spurs.

Wembley 1/3/2015 – tickets go on sale from Monday 9th February to club members. Giles has drawn the short straw to try to apply for tickets for several of the club members. The unknown is the number of loyalty points needed to obtain a ticket.

Leicester game -21st March. Lisa has agreed to drive.

Aston Villa game on 11 April – Kevin Payne to drive. Giles needs to know by Wednesday 11 February. Category B game – price £65.00.

Last home game v Hull on 16 May – anyone wishing to go needs to let Giles know by 24 February at the very latest.

Some are talking of applying for tickets for the last game of the season away to Everton (24th May) but nothing was formally decided. Similarly, there is a possibility of doing the Stoke away game (9th May) but there was only one taker from the 8 at the meeting. If anyone is interested in doing any of these please contact Giles asap.

Finances – to make it easier from an administration point of view, the club is looking to offer payment of your North Devon Spurs club membership by direct debit. This can easily be done online now at minimal cost. Look out for more details in the next newsletter.

Next meeting – 7 May 2015 – Green Man, Barnstaple

Minutes of Club Meeting – November 2014

The club November meeting was held at The Green Man, Pilton on 6 November 2014 at which 7 members attended with a few apologies.

Just 3 members are off to the home game v Stoke on 9 November – travelling up with Somerset Spurs from Bridgwater.

Everton game on Sunday 30th November – coach leaves Bideford at 8am, Barnstaple Square around 8.20.

Crystal Palace – another match where we are travelling up with Somerset Spurs – 6 members going to this game.

Swansea away – 14 December – a minibus will be going as far as Bridgwater to again hook up with Somerset.

Forthcoming matches – if you would like to go please let Giles know asap- note the latest dates below!!

Home v Sunderland – Saturday 17 January 2015 – deadline has now passed
Home v Arsenal – Saturday 7 February – deadline 19th November
Home v West Ham – Saturday 21 February – deadline 17th December
Home v Leicester – Saturday 21 March – deadline 28 January
Home v Hull -Saturday 16 May – deadline 26th February

Hopefully we will manage to get to another away game too….

There is a small range of North Devon Spurs Supporters Club merchandise available – namely polo shirts – at around £12. Order being placed shortly – requests to Guy Cable please <[email protected]>

Xmas Drink
Keep an eye out for news of our “Xmas Drink” – provisionally set to be on 28 December – to watch Spurs v Man Utd at the same time.

A serious reminder for people to please ensure that all their rubbish is removed from the bus (sweet papers, beer cans, newspapers etc)…..others do not want to have to pick up and clean after you – as has happened on recent trips!!

Next meeting Thursday 7 February 2015 at 8 pm at The Green Man, Pilton, Barnstaple.

New Members always welcome……
If anyone knows of people that would like to join, point them to the website (details below) where they can download a membership application.

Note – Minutes are sent by email and uploaded to the website.
If you have received these by post but are able to provide an email address or you can access the minutes via the website (address below) or on the Facebook page and therefore no longer need a copy by post please email the club secretary [email protected] and the database will be updated. This will save on postage and stationery costs and help to keep the cost of attending matches down!